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A settings modal is available in the app to allow you customize all the various aspects of the application including the theme, language, and styling options. The settings are specified in form of a JSON object. e.g.

  "theme": "light",
  "language": "en-US",
  "addQueryDepthLimit": 6,
  "tabSize": 5

In the desktop apps, the settings are stored in a altair_settings.json file in the app's data directory. The settings are loaded from this file when the app starts up. The settings can also be updated from the settings modal in the app.

All the available options can be found here.

theme - Specifies the theme

Options include light, dark, dracula, system.

language - Specifies the language

The options are any of the valid language codes according to:

However not all the languages are translated. The available translations are English, French, Español, Czech, German, Brazilian, Russian, Chinese Simplified, Japanese, Serbian, Italian, Polish, Korea.

addQueryDepthLimit - Specifies how deep the 'Add query' functionality would go

You can specify any valid number here.

tabSize - Specifies the tab size in the editor

You can specify any valid number here.

theme.fontsize - Specifies the base font size

Default: 24

theme.editorFontFamily - Specifies the font family for the editors

Any valid CSS font family combinations can be used here.

disablePushNotification - Specifies if native push notifications should be disabled

Default: false

enableExperimental - Enable experimental features in Altair. Note: The features might be unstable

Default: false

alert.disableWarnings - Disable warning alerts

Default: false

plugin.list - Specifies a list of enabled plugins (requires enableExperimental to be true)

Default: [] Plugins are specified in a string format <plugin-source>:<plugin-name>@<version>::[<opt>]->[<opt-value>]:

  • <plugin-source> (Optional) specifies the source of the plugin. Options include npm, url, github.
  • <plugin-name> Required specifies the name of the plugin. Plugin names must begin with altair-graphql-plugin-.
  • <version> (Optional) specifies the version of the plugin.
  • [<opt>]->[<opt-value>] (Optional) specifies an extra option for the plugin. This is used when you specify the source as url. In that case, you need to specify the URL where the plugin would be sourced from.

Valid plugins in string format include: altair-graphql-plugin-some-plugin, npm:altair-graphql-plugin-some-plugin, npm:[email protected], url:[email protected]::[url]->[]

editor.shortcuts - Contains shortcut to action mapping

Default: {} You can add new editor shortcut mapping following the CodeMirror key map pattern. For example, to add a new shortcut to toggle comments, you can add { "Ctrl-7": "toggleComment" }. There are several editor actions you can add shortcuts for including: showAutocomplete, toggleComment, showFinder, showInDocs, fillAllFields, etc. If you want to disable an in-built shortcut, you can use the noOp action. For example to disable Ctrl-/ from toggling comments, you can use { "Ctrl-/": "noOp" }.

script.allowedCookies - List of cookies to be accessible in the pre-request script

Default: []

Persisted settings

In the desktop apps, you can specify settings that will be persisted and cannot be overridden. This can be used if you need to enforce some settings of the app.

These persisted settings are retrieved from the persisted_settings.json file in the app's data directory. The file should contain a JSON object with the settings to be persisted. e.g.

  "theme": "system",
  "language": "en-US"