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PluginManifest ​

Plugin Manifest Structure

Properties ​

author? ​

optional author: string

author_email? ​

optional author_email: string

capabilities? ​

optional capabilities: PluginCapabilities[]

Specifies the capabilities (functionalities) available to the plugin. In the future, this would be used to request the necessary permissions from the user

description ​

description: string

display_name ​

display_name: string

manifest_version ​

manifest_version: 1 | 2

name ​

name: string

plugin_class? ​

optional plugin_class: string

This specifies the class name of the plugin, for discovery

scripts ​

scripts: string[]

An array containing the list of scripts (relative to the plugin root directory) that need to be loaded for the plugin to function.

styles? ​

optional styles: string[]

An array containing the list of styles (relative to the plugin root directory) that need to be loaded for the plugin to function.

type? ​

optional type: PluginType

This specifies the type of plugin. This determines how the plugin would interact with Altair. For now there is just the typical plugin type (registered plugin class). In the future, this would include other plugins like themes.

version ​

version: string