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SettingsState ​

Properties ​

addQueryDepthLimit ​

addQueryDepthLimit: number

Specifies how deep the 'Add query' functionality should go. You can specify any valid positive integer.

alert.disableUpdateNotification? ​

optional alert.disableUpdateNotification: boolean

Disable update notification

alert.disableWarnings? ​

optional alert.disableWarnings: boolean

Disable warning alerts

beta.disable.newEditor? ​

optional beta.disable.newEditor: boolean

Disable new editor beta

beta.disable.newScript? ​

optional beta.disable.newScript: boolean

Disable new script beta

disableLineNumbers? ​

optional disableLineNumbers: boolean

Disable line numbers

disablePushNotification? ​

optional disablePushNotification: boolean

Specifies if native push notifications should be disabled

Default ​


doc.hideDeprecatedItems? ​

optional doc.hideDeprecatedItems: boolean

Hides deprecated Doc items

editor.shortcuts? ​

optional editor.shortcuts: Record<string, string>

Contains shortcut to action mapping

enableExperimental? ​

optional enableExperimental: boolean

Enable experimental features. Note: The features might be unstable

Default ​


enableTablistScrollbar? ​

optional enableTablistScrollbar: boolean

Enable the scrollbar in the tab list

historyDepth? ​

optional historyDepth: number

Number of items allowed in history pane

introspection.options.description? ​

optional introspection.options.description: boolean

Whether to include descriptions in the introspection result

introspection.options.directiveIsRepeatable? ​

optional introspection.options.directiveIsRepeatable: boolean

Whether to include isRepeatable flag on directives

introspection.options.inputValueDeprecation? ​

optional introspection.options.inputValueDeprecation: boolean

Whether target GraphQL server supports deprecation of input values

introspection.options.schemaDescription? ​

optional introspection.options.schemaDescription: boolean

Whether to include description field on schema

introspection.options.specifiedByUrl? ​

optional introspection.options.specifiedByUrl: boolean

Whether to include specifiedByUrl in the introspection result

language ​

language: "en-US" | "fr-FR" | "es-ES" | "cs-CZ" | "de-DE" | "pt-BR" | "ru-RU" | "uk-UA" | "zh-CN" | "ja-JP" | "sr-SP" | "it-IT" | "pl-PL" | "ko-KR" | "ro-RO" | "vi-VN"

Specifies the language

plugin.list? ​

optional plugin.list: string[]

Specifies a list of enabled plugins.

Plugins are specified in a string format <plugin-source>:<plugin-name>@<version>::[<opt>]->[<opt-value>]:

  • <plugin-source>: The source of the plugin. Can be 'npm', 'url' or 'github'
  • <plugin-name> (required): The name of the plugin. Plugin names must begin with altair-graphql-plugin-
  • <version>: The version of the plugin. If not specified, the latest version will be used
  • [<opt>]->[<opt-value>]: Additional configuration for the plugin. This is used when you specify the source as 'url'. In this case, you can specify the URL where the plugin is hosted.

Example ​

['altair-graphql-plugin-some-plugin', 'npm:altair-graphql-plugin-some-plugin', 'npm:[email protected]', 'url:[email protected]::[url]->[]']

Default ​


request.withCredentials? ​

optional request.withCredentials: boolean

Send requests with credentials (cookies)

response.hideExtensions? ​

optional response.hideExtensions: boolean

Hides extensions object ​

optional MultiResponseStrategy

Determine the handling strategy for multiple responses

schema.reloadOnStart? ​

optional schema.reloadOnStart: boolean

Reload schema on app start

script.allowedCookies? ​

optional script.allowedCookies: string[]

List of cookies to be accessible in the pre-request script

Example ​

['cookie1', 'cookie2']

Default ​


tabSize ​

tabSize: number

Specifies the tab size for the editor

theme ​

theme: string

Specifies the theme. Themes available by default are 'light', 'dark', 'system', 'dracula'. Additional themes can be added via plugins.

Default ​


theme.dark? ​

optional theme.dark: string

Specifies the theme for dark mode

theme.editorFontFamily? ​

optional theme.editorFontFamily: string

Specifies the font family for the editors. Any valid CSS font family combination can be used here

theme.editorFontSize? ​

optional theme.editorFontSize: number

Specifies the font size for the editors

theme.fontsize? ​

optional theme.fontsize: number

Specifies the base font size

Default ​


themeConfig? ​

optional themeConfig: RecursivePartial<ITheme>

Specify custom theme config to override the specified theme values

themeConfig.dark? ​

optional themeConfig.dark: RecursivePartial<ITheme>

Theme config object for dark mode