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PluginV3Manifest ​

Properties ​

author? ​

optional author: string

Name of the author of the plugin

author_email? ​

optional author_email: string

Email of the author of the plugin

capabilities? ​

optional capabilities: PluginCapabilities[]

Specifies the capabilities (functionalities) available to the plugin. In the future, this would be used to request the necessary permissions from the user

description ​

description: string

The description of what your plugin is about. It would be used to describe your plugin.

display_name ​

display_name: string

The name of the plugin that is displayed in the UI. It is the human readable version of your plugin name.

entry ​

entry: PluginEntry

The entry point of the plugin

icon? ​

optional icon: PluginIcon

The icon of the plugin. It can be an image or an SVG

manifest_version ​

manifest_version: 3

Version of manifest (should be 3). It is a control measure for variations in the plugin versions

minimum_altair_version? ​

optional minimum_altair_version: string

The minimum version of Altair that the plugin is compatible with. This is useful for when the plugin uses features that are only available in a certain version of Altair

name ​

name: string

Name of the plugin. It should be the same name you would use in your package.json file. It uniquely identifies your plugin. The plugin name must begin with altair-graphql-plugin-.

version ​

version: string

The version of your plugin. It should be the same version you would have in your package.json file (except you have a good reason why they should be different).